- Full Git Changelog (2.5 > 3.0.0)
- Issues closed for 3.0.0
These notes combine the 3.0 RC1 and the final 3.0 updates. The USFM documentation contains a separated list of notes for these milestones – acknowledging the significant time period between the published release candidate (RC1) and the final 3.0 specification.
Marker Additions
- USFM version identifier: \usfm
- Alternate language table of contents texts: \toca#
- Letter opening: \po
- List header and footer elements: \lh and \lf
- Embedded list: \lim#
- Hebrew note: \qd
- Semantic division: \sd#
- Structured list items: \lik …\lik* and \liv# …\liv#*
- List item total: \litl …\litl*
- Geographic proper name (Chinese texts): \png …\png*
- Ruby annotations (CJK texts): \rb …\rb*
- Superscript: \sup …\sup*
- Aramaic wordlist entry: \wa …\wa*
- List of witnesses in footnotes (for crtical editions): \fw …\fw*
- Target references “added” text: \xta …\xta*
- Published cross reference origin text: \xop …\xop*
- Link text: \jmp …\jmp*
- Common peripheral identifiers.
Marker Revisions
- Support citation form for wordlist / glossary text (update \w …\w*).
- Support for explicit table cell column spanning.
- Revise syntax for figures / illustrations applying descriptive attributes: \fig …\fig*
- Deprecated cross reference and footnote DC content markers: \xdc …\xdc* and \fdc …\fdc*
- Deprecate combined marker for proper name within translator’s addition: \addpn …\addpn*
- Deprecated numbered running header: \h#
- Deprecated pronunciation info marker: \pro …\pro* in favour of ruby annotations proposal.
- Restored \pr for use as “text refrain”.
Syntax and Features
- Syntax for assigning word-level descriptive attributes.
- Descriptive attributes
for \w …\w* - Descriptive attributes
for \fig …\fig* - Descriptive attributes
for ruby \rb …\rb* - Document best practice for attributes containing multiple values, or multiple parts
- Descriptive attributes
- Syntax for assigning word-level linking attributes.
- Added default
linking attribute for \xt …\xt*
- Added default
- Syntax for milestones.
- Quotation start / end milestones: \qt#-s\* and \qt#-e\*.
- Translator’s section milestones: \ts-s\* and \ts-e\*
- Syntax for peripheral (\periph) identifiers.
Standard Reference
- Clarify and document specification regarding whitespace and new lines.